Functional Accessibility Evaluator (FAE) 2.0 是基于Web内容无障碍指南2.0(W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0) A,AA标准要求的网页信息无障碍检测工具.主要由美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,缩写为UIUC)开发。

What is FAE?

Functional Accessibility Evaluator (FAE) 2.0 是基于Web内容无障碍指南2.0(W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0) A,AA(国际标准AAA最高级)标准要求的网页信息无障碍检测工具.主要由美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,缩写为UIUC)开发。

  • FAE and AInspector WCAG for Firefox use the OpenAjax Evaluation Library rules and rulesets. Every rule used in FAE 2.0 references a primary WCAG 2.0 Success Criterion requirement.

FAE 和 AInspector WCAG(Firefox Accessibility Extension)都是基于OpenAjax评估库规则和规则集的网页无障碍辅助工具。FAE 2.0中使用的每个规则都引用了一个主要的wcag2.0成功标准要求。

RIA(Rich Internet Application,富互联网应用系统)技术允许我们在因特网上以一种象使用Web一样简单的方式来部署富客户端程序。这是一个用户接口,它比用HTML能实现的接口更加健壮、反应更加灵敏和更具有令人感兴趣的可视化特性。无论将来RIA是否能够如人们所猜测的那样完全代替HTML应用系统,对于那些采用胖客户端技术运行复杂应用系统的机构来说,RIA确实提供了一种廉价的选择。

WEB语义可访问性(ARIA,全称 Accessible Rich Internet Application) 是新的HTML5标准中增加 aria-* 的标签属性,ARIA role标识提供了一种识别网页组织和结构的强大方法。通过对页面的各部分进行分类和标记,它们使得通过布局可视地传达的结构信息能够以编程方式表示。屏幕阅读器利用标志性角色为页面的重要部分提供键盘导航。标识区域也可以用作“跳过链接”的目标,并通过浏览器扩展用于增强的键盘导航和屏幕阅读器支持。与role标签属性配合使用。role属性表示一个非标准的tag的实际作用。比如用div做button,那么设置div 的 role=“button”,辅助工具就可以认出这实际上是个button。而aria-*的作用就是描述这个tag在可视化的情境中的具体信息。ARIA规定了能够让 Web 内容和 Web 应用(特别是那些由 Ajax 和 JavaScript 开发的)对于残障人士更易使用的各种机制。

FAE这些规则基于W3C ARIA 和HTML5规范的检测规则

  • The rules used in FAE and AInspector have been developed over six years through the work of the OpenAjax Accessibility Task Force and feedback from users of FAE and AInspector WCAG

FAE和AInspector中使用的规则是通过OpenAjax可访问性工作组的工作和FAE和AInspector WCAG用户的反馈开发的,已经超过六年的实践经验。

FAE作用与AInspector WCAG for Firefox和Accessibility Bookmarklets一起使用,以帮助人们了解web资源的可访问性功能、问题和潜在问题。

Running the Evaluator

The “Run FAE” page provides a form for specifying the following analysis parameters:


  • URL

Specifies the URL that will serve as the starting point of the analysis. Depending on the “Depth of Evaluation” and “Follow Links in” settings (described below), additional pages linked from the starting URL may also be included in the analysis.


  • Report Title

The title to be displayed at the top of each report page. If no title is specified, then “Untitled Report” is displayed.


  • Depth of Evaluation

When “Top-level page only” is selected, only the page specified by the URL will be analyzed. “Include second-level pages” will cause all pages linked from the top-level page (with domain restrictions as explained below) to be included in the analysis.

“Top-level page only” 仅检测当前路径页面;“Include second-level pages” 检测当前路径和包含下一级所有页面(不包含第三级)

  • Follow Links in

In cases where “Depth of Evaluation” is set to either “Include second-level pages” or “Include third-level pages” the web crawler used by FAE can follow links in two different


When “Specified domain only” is selected, link following is restricted to the same domain as the specified URL. When “Next-level subdomains” is selected, links that are in subdomains of the next-level domain (relative to the domain specified by the URL) will also be followed.





  • Ruleset

HTML4 Legacy Techniques ruleset recommends (but does not require) that ARIA landmarks be used in the design of the web page and that a failure of one of the landmark rules will result in a "warning". HTML5 and ARIA Techniques ruleset requires that ARIA landmarks be used in the design of the web page and that a failure of one of the landmark rules will result in a "violation".



  • Maximum Pages

Limits the number of pages evaluated, which is useful to limit the amount or results or to get results faster.

After successfully completing the analysis, FAE displays the Summary Report, which provides a high-level view of the evaluation results, and places a link to this report in the Archived Reports list. This list includes additional report information such as the analysis date/time, the number of pages analyzed, the report title, the starting URL and the depth of evaluation.



Rule Categories

FAE organizes the analysis of documents based on the following rule categories:


  • Landmarks(区域标识)

Use ARIA landmark roles to structure the content of each page and identify major sections of content, thus making them more findable and navigable. The use of landmarks will, in many cases, reflect the visual styling and page layouts that web designers utilize to set apart various sections of content.


  • Headings

Use heading elements (H1-H6) to provide appropriate labels for landmarks, and to identify subsections of content within landmarks.


  • Styles/Content

Use proper HTML markup to identify the semantics and language of text content. Ensure that text is readable by adhering to color contrast guidelines, and that information is not conveyed solely by the use of color, shape, location or sound.


  • Images

Provide appropriate text alternatives for static images and graphics.


  • Links

Use link text that properly describes the target of each link. Ensure consistency and uniqueness for links that are usable, predictable and understandable.


  • Tables

Provide table captions or other meta-information as needed. Provide row and column header references for data cells of data tables. Ensure that tables used for layout properly linearize text content.


  • Forms

Provide meaningful labels for form elements and usable and understandable error feedback as needed.


  • Widgets/Scripts

Use appropriate event handlers on elements to support native interactivity using JavaScript. Ensure that custom widgets created using JavaScript support keyboard interaction and include ARIA markup to describe their roles, properties and states.


  • Audio/Video

Provide appropriate text transcripts, captions or audio descriptions for elements used in rendering audio and video content.


  • Keyboard

Provide logical and sequential keyboard navigation among interactive elements such as links and form controls. Use standard models of keyboard interaction for custom widgets.


  • Timing

Eliminate accessibility problems caused by time limits on input and by content that moves, scrolls, flashes or auto-updates.


  • Site Navigation

Ensure the consistent labeling and ordering of recurrent page sections across all pages within a website. Provide a meaningful title for each page within a website.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • FAE 2.0 and AInspector Sidebar evaluation results different?

FAE 2.0 and AInspector 检测结果为什么不一样?

There are two major reasons why FAE 2.0 and AInspector Sidebar evaluation results may be different:


When a page includes dynamically loaded content, the DOM that FAE 2.0 sees will often be different from the DOM that AInspector Sidebar sees, resulting in different evaluation results. The more dynamic the content in the page, the more possibility of a discrepancy.


Pages that are responsive to screen dimensions will have different content rendered depending on the width of the screen. FAE 2.0 generally has a wide screen and AInspector Sidebar will analyze the content based on the current screen width. Note: AInspector Sidebar will generally be more accurate than FAE for looking at Individual Pages.

原因二:屏幕尺寸大小的问题,FAE2.0 是基于宽屏的,AInspector 是基于当前页面尺寸的. 注意:在检测单页面时,AInspector侧边栏通常比FAE更准确。

  • Why report manual checking results?


The rules are designed to help users understand what accessibility issues they need to consider in the design of a website. Manual checks help users identify what they need to learn about accessibility inorder to insure their web resource is accessible. Currently manual checks help inform users of what they need to understand about accessibility, but in FAE 2.1 users will be able to update manual checks to Pass, Fail or Not Applicable to update the report details, summary and implementation scores for rules and rule catagories.


标签:fae wcag AInspector